
Saturday, September 29, 2012

093012 September Retrospective

From the bottom of the magic blue box August CKC#10


BPC Festival Day #6
BPC Day #8/CKC September Kit #2

CKC September Kit #1

CKC #3 September Sketch

ScrapHappy/Project Runway
(I need to add a title)

BPC Day #7

CKC #4

CKC #5

CKC #6 - Julie Ann's Vintage Printer Tray Challenge

Whimsical Musings #57

Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

092612 October (Scrap Happy Only) S.H.O.time LOAD Blog Hop!

It's always fun to remember what it is like to spend an ENTIRE MONTH scrapping a page EVERY DAY!
Aside from the usual advice about having enough adhesive & printer ink, I would say three things:

1.  Do your best to follow the prompts, but when it doesn't resonate with you, just scrap! Use a favorite photo, product, sketch, scraplift or whatever usually motivates you.

2. Be prepared to have a page or two that aren't favorites. Sometimes you will come away with more from the near-misses than the wowzer pages.

3. My favorite part of LOAD? The community! Be sure to take some time each day to look at the gallery & leave supportive comments. Spread the love!

Following are the retrospective pages from the LOADs I've done so far. 
A few weren't completed due to real life interrupting, but I've done well over 400 pages since that 
First LOAD, October 2010 (see here)

LOAD February 2011 (see here)

LOAD 0511 was interrupted

 ...but I still made 22 pages! (see here)

LOAD 1011 (see here) 

LOAD 0212 (see here) 

LOAD 0512 was interrupted... 

 ...but I still made 22 pages! (see here)

I guess what I'm saying is - STICK WITH IT!
It is an AMAZING feeling to make a page EVERY DAY.
It sets up a priority in your day that is a commitment to yourself.

And if you aren't playing over at ScrapHappy you can't join in!

NOW hop on over to Katrina's blog!
Leslie ===> YOU ARE HERE
Katrina <=== GO HERE NOW!
Kelli P
Alison D
Cathy H
Heather H
Alison C
Heather D
Danielle H

Saturday, September 22, 2012

092212 Midland Antique & Collectible Festival Fall Finale!

Finally got to Midland this year! 
So grateful for the chance to see all the eye candy & take home a few little bits...wanna see? 
Here's an old aerial view of the show from their FaceBook page:

A rainbow! That's a good sign - thanks, Lord!

One of the first things we always see...

This is actually KID size! Note the toy on the table.

 "Works $8.00" 
Got one of these for a wedding gift in 1976 - mine still works, too!

Aren't these sweet? May have to lift the pattern for an embelli...

 Would LOVE to have this for Lincoln, for someday. Parking meters on the upper deck~!
I think my brother may have had one of these, back in the day.

 Honeymoon souvenir? Kind of sad... love pennants, though  :~)

 Totally charming

Anyone else giggling under their breath?

My brother has one of these that was my dad's. 
Okay, Ned - $300! We may have to renegotiate!

If these didn't weigh a ton...

A little comic relief...

An old favorite... he rides around the show on one of the velocipedes, in costume!

Oh, be still my heart! Price upped to $1800 this year...*sigh*
Here's my scrapbook page about this from May 2012 LOAD:
 Here is my May 2012 LOAD scrapbook page about this.

A new addition, and it was WONDERFUL!

How clever! From old propane tanks...

Wish I could've had these ...
They had amazing metal tables & lockers & great stuff

Autumn comes early to mid-Michigan!
Had another wonderful date day with my knight in shining armor <3

And what did we bring home with us?
This was in an everything $5.00 box (and isn't my new sweater pretty?)

Fell in love with this peanut box - no idea why...

What is it about vintage packaging that is so appealing?
All have at least some of the parts included.

 $1.00 for all of these postcards, including postage, starting at 1cent!

Retrofitted for a bank - see the slot? And there are 2 holes in the front for a padlock! $3.00

Better deal than Tim, lol!

These will look really nice in my breakfast room!
Didn't realize they weren't the same until I got them home -
but I think I like them more that way...

In the end, the grandkids win!
For the whopping price of FIVE DOLLARS!

And a GREAT time was had by all :~)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

091212 Inspiration is a Funny Thing...

Let's begin at the beginning...

Some of us at ScrapHappy are playing a fun challenge game by following the television series Project Runway for scrapping prompts! The latest was the Unconventional Supply Challenge. The PR contestants were taken to a candy store and were limited to what they could find there for supplies for their fashions!

I somehow got the candy part in my head (hehe) and at first I looked at the store for inspiration from a candy wrapper. Settled on Salt Water Taffy because I loved the packaging & we only ever ate it in the summer at the shore. Thought it would make a great page accent & I could find some random summer beach photos to go with it. (now a future page)

BUT while rummaging through my stash for my CKC kit I unearthed this:

 I had saved this for a layout about how Aunie bought us Hershey stock when we were children, and again for our children, and what that meant to all of us over the years... okay, a new direction for the challenge. Then I thought I would like a unique embellishment.

I used that lurid green paper out of my scraps just to make a template.
 BUT I really liked it against the brown so I made some more & then decided.
Wouldn't hugs & "kisses" be cute?

A border of hugs & "kisses", awww... no - eeeeuwww! 
This was getting way too cutesy - and I am simply not a cardstock gal! 
BUT what on earth was going to suit this combination? 
Wait a minute - got an Authentique paper pack that would be perfect...

 Too much pattern?

 That pink might work...

Could this be more perfect for the background???

Somehow I am totally married to the acid green hugs at this point, but they need some toning down.

That's better inked, but the pink is a little boring.What's on the B side?

Really loving that, but it kinda disappears - I need a mat...

Much better!

And I'll add stitching for another little touch...

  The perfect photo, a little trim, and voila!

I think I need a "sweet" saying for the left of the photo but can't come up with one.
Any suggestions?