
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Sorting Out My New Space

Well, a little history...
My scrap room was a delightful little sitting room just inside our front door. Lovely windows and the perfect size. Last summer my dear Aunie came to live with us after a series of hospitalizations, and my room made a perfect bedsitter for her. So I packed up (most) of my stash & moved over to the living room.
Not everyone liked the view... 

...and it was a little tough to scrap at night trying not to disturb anyone.

So when we brought her home from the hospital again a few weeks ago, 
we needed room for a hospital bed, and the scrap spot was the perfect place. 

I got to move on up to the little jewel bedroom I made out of Alex's room! 
The only drawback was the closet is already full.

Well, I'll have to get to that later, I guess! I'm planning to stow my sewing machine in here. In the meantime I've had to leave it downstairs :~(

We quickly got everything out of the way & upstairs. I decided on a floor plan & shifted the furniture, but it's a work in progress to sort & stow my stash so that it is available in a cohesive way. Little by little, day by day...

I am hoping to have an inspiration board the length of that wall to the left behind the door! (Did I forget to mention this is the first scrapspace I've had with walls?) Continuing clockwise in the room...

My cart full of paper is to the left of the table, and on the right tucked underneath are drawers that hold my adhesives, heat gun, Dymo, stamping stuff, with my paper cutter on top.

I spy Lynnette & Heidi's handiwork!

  Looks like room for another inspiration board! Or maybe some shelving...?
These bins hold stamps, scraps, paint supplies, washi tape, etc. I'll have to do a post about those. The slots at the bottom are sized for 12x12 bins and store cardstock/b&w/kraft paper, stencils, masks, and project bins. On top are my diecut machines, some Tim Holtz inking supplies and my blue bin for my CKC kit each month (alas, not this month)

 The stack to the left is all photos & the bin on the right is my alpha stash. The little table will have to go. I am thinking I will stack some bins in front of the mantel until I get the closet cleared.

Did I mention that the cat thinks this is HER room now, lol? I so love this chair! Will need to get my books & magazines moved up from Aunie's room. The piles are what I am sorting & sifting to be stowed in a more practical way.

And this is what's left in the hallway...

(mostly other papers & boxes of layouts)

 ...on/in the living room shelving...

(more supplies!!!)

...and a cabinet that remains downstairs for the time being

LOL - I was looking for that can of adhesive earlier!
Oh - and don't forget the sewing machine...

So I am trying to make little slices of time to not only organize & sift my stash, but also to SCRAP!

xo - Leslie

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Much to be thankful for, much to pray for

I'm so grateful to report how well baby Chloe is doing! She weighs over 4 lbs & is off of all support of any kind - no feeding tube, IV or breathing help. She is a wonderful miracle gift from God.  Mom & Dad should be taking her home this week :~)

And when I am weak, He is strong. 

Our dear Aunie fell victim to a stroke the day after my last post... she has returned home to us after a week in hospital & we are doing our best to meet her needs. Sunday was her 90th birthday!

Hoping for a better birthday celebration next year...

Saturday, June 2, 2012

What a difference a day makes, or ten to be exact

Wow! Quite a journey we've had the last week & a half...
But let's do a wrap-up of my LOAD journey in the month of May. For those who don't know, LOAD is a great month long scrap escape achieved by attempting a LayOutADay (check it out)! Challenging, energizing, nerve-wracking - all taking place in a wonderfully welcoming community of scrappers. Thanks, Lain :~)

This LOAD was possibly my most successful yet, in spite of my not completing a layout a day (23 pages, though)! All the credit goes to my Counterfeit Kit, the perfect go-to for scrapping an unknown prompt. I mean, I already love everything in there & it goes together, no matter what I'm doing with it. Perfect.

  But this was by far my favorite:

Welcome tiny, perfect little granddaughter :~)