
Monday, October 31, 2022

100122 Archi-scraps November Challenge - Steampunk


What a fun "tiny house" eh?

Wouldn't you love to see how the owner dresses? Julene always manages to find interesting & engaging inspirations for us at Archiscraps!

I found this stunning example of steampunk style, just for your enjoyment:


I wish I had the ambition to try this! The video is very good instruction, by the way.

Here is my version of steampunk style. I began with the fabulous "Wonderland/Adventure" b-side  background paper from Asuka Studio/Memory Place. Then I hunted & gathered  all sorts of stamps, gears, and vintage images from my stash.

The perfect card quote sparked my idea, "I cannot imagine the clockwork of the universe can exist without a clockmaker." - Voltaire

My answer comes from the Bible & became my title, "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork." Psalm 19:1

The photo is an enhanced image of our night sky out back.

Another inspiring challenge from the Archi-scraps Challenge blog! Be sure to post your version on the Facebook Archiscraps Community Group.

Thanks for stopping by!