
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

121812 Bad Blogger!

Well, yesterday was our 36th wedding anniversary! And I didn't take one photo... We had a wonderful evening at Brick Street. So inspired by our potsticker appetizer we have decided to go on an Asian cooking kick for awhile. That means that chicken stir fried rice is what's for dinner tonight!

Finally been working on my Christmas card, inspired by the color scheme this week at The Play Date Cafe!

I knew I wanted to include these photos of my darling grandbabies:

And what else is on those faces but pure

Gathered up some possibilities...

I wanted to include an ornament that can be removed from the card.

 And we have a Christmas card!
The ornament will be slotted into the corresponding spot on the inside of the card!


  1. Your grandbabies are adorable! I also love your card, the stitching around the J, and the Y is fantastic! Thank you for playing along with The Play Date Cafe!

    1. Thanks! I'm not much of a cardmaker but really enjoyed the color pallette :~)

  2. fabulous card and I like the idea of the detachable ornament, I'll have to remember that for next Christmas.

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    many blessings to you and yours
    from Angela


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