Thursday, September 6, 2012

090612 Labor Day Weekend Trip

Made a quick dash down South for the long weekend to see our baby, and her baby!
Our usual stop for breakfast in Ohio:

 Aaaaah... that's better

Hi, Grandpa!
 Blue moon...

Town is ready for Labor Day

The nursery...
Her name letters will hang over the crib

 Aren't these adorable?

 Happy, healthy baby girl :~D

Heading to the aquarium in the big city!
Never made it in due to the wait & the heat - next visit, perhaps.

Spent Sunday visiting Greg's old college campus - he had a VW bug, too.
 Found his dorm building - being demolished - wow.

A little shopping - only 2 Archivers in the whole state & one is in this town!

 Found an old friend...
Happy Birthday, Krispy Kreme!

Worth the trip <3

Special thanks to El & Laura for holding down the fort at home - XO!

1 comment:

  1. The red light is on! Hot doughnuts await! Love Krispy Kreme. What a great visit and what a beautiful miracle baby. So great to see her thriving. Love: the VW, Alex's wicker chair, those pics of the cut out animals, and that sweet little Chloe. Thanks for sharing.


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