Sunday, November 3, 2013

110213 Date Day Saturday Shipshewanna, Indiana

We hit the road again today, back to this little Amish town less than three hours away 
to stock up our freezer & enjoy a ride through the beautiful Autumn countryside. 

 We had typical weather for this time of year.

Somehow the stormy grey sky just seems to enhance the beautiful trees.



Nothing like an undulating cornfield under that sky to say "November".

We head back North as the geese fly South...


  1. gorgeous reds on some of those trees. What food stuff do you buy from that village?

    1. Growth hormone-free meats, canned vegetables, and we stopped at a cider mill on the way home for 4 more gallons of apple cider for our chest freezer.

  2. Some stunning photos! Looks gorgeous.


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